Congratulations Master Towndrow!

Master Towndrow_35_Years_TKD.JPG Master Towndrow is pictured with students and friends from Derby Academy.
A massive congratulations are extended to Master Brian Towndrow who has just achieved 35 years in Tae Kwon Do!
This achievement runs concurrently with Master Towndrow serving as North Midlands Area Co-Coordinator and Grading Examiner for the TAGB for an outstanding 21 Years! (Longer than many of the members of this website have been alive.....)
To mark these great achievements, students from Derby Academy presented Master Towndrow with a framed copy of the Tenets of Tae Kwon Do as written by General Choi.
Well Done, Sir!
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Nottingham Taster Sessions and Demonstration

On Saturday Nottingham and surrounding TAGB schools took part in an event organised by the City Council to promote healthy living and exercise in Nottingham.

The Market Square in Nottingham was full of stalls giving information on living a healthy lifestyle, and in prime position in front of the Council House was an arena where different exercise classes were run, allowing members of the public to join in.

Although initially only allocated a half hour slot, the TAGB session was so well received that we were asked to carry on and ended up doing well over an hour.

Mr Tyler ran the sessions, taking members of the public and many TAGB students from the area through a basic class of warm up, simple linework and pad work.

Mr Mitchell provided commentary on a headset microphone and was thrilled to hear the sound of his own voice even louder!

The event was a great success and the TAGB section in particular was very well received by the public and event organisers alike.

Nottingham Evening Post - 5th May 2009:

Report from Nottingham Evening post

The BBC were filming for the local news programme and may broadcast some footage on Monday if you want to see your moment of fame, similarly the Evening Post were also there taking photographs, so keep an eye out for pictures in the paper.

Special thanks go to Mr Tyler for stepping up in front of such a large audience, and to all the students and Instructors from Nottingham and beyond who happily gave up their free time on the Saturday of a Bank Holiday weekend to help promote the TAGB at such a high profile event. Your commitment and efforts on the day were very much appreciated and contributed to a real success for the TAGB.
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North Midlands T.A.G.B.
is a region of the Taekwon-Do Association of Great Britain.
this is a member of the the governing body for Taekwon-Do
The British Taekwon-Do Council & recognised by Sport UK.