Southwell TAGB TaeKwon Do Club

Paul Mitchell, Thursday 13 November 2008 - 00:00:00

Southwell TaeKwon Do Club is a friendly club with around 40 members split over two classes based at Southwell Leisure Centre (click here for a map).

Classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Junior grades train 7.00pm until 8.00pm.

Senior grades train 8.00pm until 9.00pm.

We have many parents who train with their children, as well as adult and junior students.

The club offers all the benefits of fitness, flexibility and confidence that an active sport brings, plus specific self defence training both at the club and through regular seminars. This ia all done in a supportive atmosphere where students encourage each other to succeed.

For those interested in competition there is also the opportunity to compete in an International Association that holds multiple tournaments every year where students may spar or take part in patterns (pre-set movements) events.

You can contact the Instructor, Paul Mitchell, via email, or by phone 0115 931 2736

this content item is from North Midlands TaeKwonDo
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